For your App name / icon
For your App / Software
For your GUI / icon
Allows you to use “TM Pending”
Allows you to use “Patent Pending”
Allows you to use “Design Pending”
Reserves right to file trademarks in 177 countries for 6 months
Reserves right to file patents in 177 countries for 12 months
Reserves right to file design registrations in 177 countries for 6 months
Simple online patent, trademark and design filing system. We guide you through the process
1 business day
Online application, pending numbers guaranteed
We email you a signed confidentiality undertaking
Add "Patent Pending" / "TM Pending" / Design Pending" to your App worldwide
Worried about disclosing your App idea to a software developer?
About to launch your App?
Concerned someone will copy your App?
Want proof you came up with the idea first?
Need to protect your App worldwide?
Require 12 month window to develop your App further?
Protect your App, App name, icons or screen layout for only US$99
Protects unique method steps / system used by your App
Prevents others from incorporating your patented steps / system into their App
Prevents "copied" Apps from being offered for sale / sold / used
Decide on countries in which to get patent rights 12‐31 months after getting a Patent Pending Number
Protects your App name / icon
Prevents others from using s "confusingly similar" app name, icon, logo, domain
Decide on countries in which to register your brand 6 months after getting a Trademark Pending Number … or thereafter
Protects your screen layout (GUI) / icons
Prevents others from using a "substantially similar" GUI / icon
Prevents "copied" screen layouts and icons from being offered for sale / sold / used
Decide on countries in which to register your design 6 months after getting a Design Pending Number
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