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Get Patent Pending Number

Step 1 of 3: Insert application data



Applicant 1




Applicant Type

Signatory Name

Signatory Capacity


Inventor nameInventor country

Step 2 of 3: Forms for signature

To do:

1. Sign Form P3 (see “Email forms” or sign electronically with “E-sign”)

2. Sign Power of Attorney (see “Email forms” or sign electronically with “E-sign”)

3. Prepare document fully describing the invention (Description of Invention)

4. Sign at the end of the Description of Invention

5. Prepare drawings showing the invention (if applicable)

Note: Each drawing page must be signed in the bottom right hand corner by or on behalf of the applicant

Step 3 of 3: Upload files

Your signature:

File description
Form D3 [PDF]
Signed electronically
Power of attorney [PDF]
Signed electronically
Description of invention [PDF]
Drawings of invention [PDF]

We will file your Patent Pending Number document with an official Patent Office in a country that is a signatory to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and send you a Patent Pending Number within one day (Mon-Fri).

Do not launch / disclose / publish your invention until we email you the Patent Pending Number.

Confidentiality: We confirm that all information we receive from you will be held in confidence, and that we will neither use nor disclose this information to third parties (apart from the Patent Office with which we will be submitting your Patent Pending Number document). We also confirm that the Patent Office with which we lodge your document will retain the document secret.

You agree that we will file this Patent Pending Number document as is, without review, revision or comment, subject to our Terms & Conditions and policy documents.