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Ever wondered what Discovery patented for its VITALITY rewards system? This simple business method:
Discovery VITALITY even patented monitoring members' use of health-related facilities / services - the end-goal being to charge a re-activation fee if under-utilised.
First Vitality patented "defaulting" members to opt-in to Vitality (for an activation fee); then Vitality patents monitoring Vitality usage to charge a re-activation fee upon "under-use" … below a use-hurdle "floated" by Vitality.
Great business method. Eminently patentable!
This DISCOVERY LIFE method makes so little sense, it had to be patentable:
Let's run through this again; slowly this time: members take out life insurance policies to cover their families in the event of terminal illness; but when they get sick / receive treatment, their premiums automatically increase! Members insure themselves to cover the risk of death; and Discovery covers the risk of you dying by automatically increasing premiums at the first sign of illness.
Who's getting insured here?
DISCOVERY's CAR INSURANCE scheme was premised on a trite basalt foundation:
"Drivers of poor health are more likely to have accidents than drivers in good health."
Unfortunately, this patent encountered a nay-sayer in the Australian Patent Office, which refused the following patent claim:
Which fundamental concept will be questioned next? That "People are not wearing enough hats"?
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