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Draft a Patent Pending document

What should I include in my patent pending document?

The only requirement for a patent pending document is that:

"It fully describes your invention"

Preferably, write the description in English.

This document need not be drawn up in any specific / legal form. It is not required that a patent attorney draft the document, nor does the document need to include "claims" ‐ if you don't know what "claims" are: don't worry; it isn't relevant.

To "fully describe your invention", we suggest that you:

  • Focus on your product "features" instead of its "benefits". Tip: create a list / table of features.
  • Include photos, CAD drawings or hand sketches showing your product features.
  • Associate a reference number with each "feature" in the write‐up (e.g. hat 10 with peak 12) and add corresponding reference numbers to the photos / drawings, so that each feature mentioned in your write‐up can be linked to a component shown in your photos / drawings.

A copy of your presentation to a conference / thesis (in PDF format) should be sufficient.

Note: You can add more detail and drawings when filing a complete patent in 12 months' time.

Don't focus too much on:

  • The absence of a feature (e.g. a vehicle "without" a spare tyre).
  • Use of an obvious alternative material (e.g. making a spanner out of plastic).
  • An obvious combination of known features (e.g. a box containing a Phillips screw driver and a no. 11 spanner).
  • An obvious alternative power source (e.g. a solar powered electric toothbrush).
  • A mere benefit (e.g. a "more rugged" cellphone) - rather focus on features you have added to make it more rugged.
  • A new use for an existing thing (e.g. use of a Schweppes bottle as an oil container).
  • A new shape, brand / logo, or artwork - this should be protected by registered designs, trademarks and copyright, respectively.

Focus on "new" and "not obvious" features. And, get a patent pending number before you make your first sale / publish your product on a website.

Add your signature to the end of the document.

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