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Patent Pending royalty

If you decide to license your patent pending number, you can typically expect to receive a royalty calculated at about:

5% of the licensee's sales price

Note: the "licensee's sales price" is not the "sales price to the end‐customer" ‐ there usually is a retailer and (potentially) a distributor in between.

This 5% royalty assumes that the licensee will make about 20% profits before interest and tax (PBIT) (i.e. not "gross profits") from the manufacture and sale of the licensed product. If the licensee's profits are higher / lower, your royalty should be adjusted proportionately.

Royalties typically yield about 25% of the profits that you would otherwise have made if you had supplied the product. But then again, you are doing far less work.

The tables below show average royalties (based on licensee's sales price) for various categories:

Category Average Royalty Category Average Royalty
Aerospace 4% General Manufacturing 6%
Apparel 7% Machine/Tools 5%
Automotive 3% Maintenance Services 7%
Baby Goods 6% Media & Entertainment 7%
Food 5% Novelties / Gifts 8%
Books – Softcover 8% Pharmaceuticals / Drugs 8%
Building & Construction 6% Animal Health Products 5%
Chemicals 4% Plant/Agriculture Products 4%
Consumer Goods 5% Printing 5%
Education Related 8% Publishing 11%
Electronics 5% Biotechnology 7%
Energy & Environment 8% Semiconductors 4%
Entertainment 16% Software 10%
Diagnostics / Medical Equipment 4% Sporting Goods 8%
Footwear 10% Stationery / Paper 10%
Furniture / Home Furnishes 7% Toys & Games 10%
Healthcare Products / Equipment 6% Travel 6%
Industrial Products 6% Greeting Cards & Giftwrap 4%
Internet 8% Posters & Prints 10%
Category Average Royalty
Aerospace 4%
Apparel 7%
Automotive 3%
Baby Goods 6%
Food 5%
Books – Softcover 8%
Building & Construction 6%
Chemicals 4%
Consumer Goods 5%
Education Related 8%
Electronics 5%
Energy & Environment 8%
Entertainment 16%
Diagnostics / Medical Equipment 4%
Footwear 10%
Furniture / Home Furnishes 7%
Healthcare Products / Equipment 6%
Industrial Products 6%
Internet 8%
General Manufacturing 6%
Machine/Tools 5%
Maintenance Services 7%
Media & Entertainment 7%
Novelties / Gifts 8%
Pharmaceuticals / Drugs 8%
Animal Health Products 5%
Plant/Agriculture Products 4%
Printing 5%
Publishing 11%
Biotechnology 7%
Semiconductors 4%
Software 10%
Sporting Goods 8%
Stationery / Paper 10%
Toys & Games 10%
Travel 6%
Greeting Cards & Giftwrap 4%
Posters & Prints 10%

A licence can include:

  • a "running royalty" (e.g. 5% of the licensed product sales price); and/or
  • a "license fee" (e.g. $1,000 within 5 days of signature of the license).

The license fee is generally used to cover your cost to: (i) draft and conclude the licence; and (ii) secure intellectual property protection in the licensed territory. To simplify the licensing negotiation, we suggest dispensing with the license fee and charging only a running royalty. Alternatively, asking for a non‐refundable running royalty pre‐payment ‐ royalty pre‐payments are far more palatable to potential licensees than license fees.

A licence is the most versatile, flexible document. It can take any form you wish.

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