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Indication of the product Design number Corn Soup 214857 V Indication of the product Design number Vegetable Soup 814552 V Indication of the product Design number Chicken Rice Soup 358995 Indication of the product Design number Chicken Noodle Soup 784265 Indication of the product Design number Shrimp Soup 124778 Indication of the product Design number Beef Chop Suey 749663 Indication of the product Design number Chicken Chop Suey 698800 Indication of the product Design number Pork Chop Suey 015223 Indication of the product Design number Vegetable Chop Suey 003214 V Indication of the product Design number Shrimp Chop Suey 996021

"Patent Pending" for marketing "QUIRKY"

Or, simply just communicate "QUIRKY FUN"! Take the one thing that everyone' s previously treated with uber‐stiff‐upper‐lip, British‐fastidious seriousness ‐ Patent Pending Numbers; turn it on its head; and convert it into FUN. Why? Because it's good old‐fashioned, wholesome FUN.


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