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KFC ‐ patents, trademarks and designs

Initially, KFC relied heavily on patents that protected its unique method for deep frying chicken without drying it out. These original patents …

McDonald's ‐ patents, trademarks and designs

McDonald's ‐ the most dominant player in the fast food industry ‐ is protected by a bundle of trademarks, a smattering of patents and a sprinkling of designs. Surprisingly, very little prevents …

Examples: patent simple food recipe

Been told you can't patent a simple food recipe? Well, these applicants didn't listen and ended up with granted patents …

Examples: patent simple food cooking method

Been told you can't patent a simple cooking method? Well, these applicants clearly ignored this sage advice and ended up with granted patents …

Examples: patent food ‐ technical feature

Been told your food patent requires a technical feature? Well, these applicants didn't have to jump very high to overcome that hurdle and secure granted patents …

Examples: food packaging patent

In addition to patenting your food recipe, method of making food, and your "technical effect", you are also able to patent your unique food packaging …

Garum recipe patent

Definitely the most exciting recipe patent I've ever found … (likely due to my fixation with anything Roman) … a patented ancient recipe for making GARUM ‐ the Ketchup of Roman times …

Top sweets recipe patent

I thought this would never happen! I've just been put off TWIX. In 1995 MARS Inc. patented: Coating an edible material with a continuous inorganic coating, wherein the coating has a thickness ranging from 0.0001 to 0.5 microns" …

Top 10 breakfast cereal patents

Nearly every Breakfast Cereal has a patent story. Amaze your kids with these WhizPopping facts …

Top 10 food patents (savory)

Top 10 Food recipe patents - fish, pizza, hot dogs, pasta, sandwiches, smoked meat and pet food. You won't believe what can be patented…

Patented treats

Not only will these treats make you salivate. They're also protected by patents - edible straws, butter popcorn, chocolate coated ice cream, banana splits, morphing cereal and granola.

Cookbook: Breakfast Cereals

Jello Pudding Patent Pending

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