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Stamp your product "PATENT PENDING"

  • First get a Patent Pending Number for $99 ‐ the process takes only a few minutes, and you'll receive an official number (effective in 177 countries) within a business day.

  • Next, mark your product "NEW" or "IMPROVED". Also consider adding a statement hinting at TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION.

  • Then proudly associate these marks with a "PATENT PENDING" stamp. By doing so, you're no longer "claiming it"; your customers "know it"!

  • Add the Patent Pending TITLE to hint at a BENEFIT.

  • Finally, include the Patent Pending NUMBER. The official number (issued by a Patent Office) is recognized as VALIDATING your claims.

In the past, patent numbers were added in small text at the bottom of the rear label. There was no appreciation of the marketing benefits of patents. Shift the stamp to the front of the product. Increase the font, Change the colour. Be proud to proclaim "PATENT PENDING". It will effectively differentiate your product on a shelf of me‐too products.

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